Q: Am I able to edit the newsletter from Smore within the ParentSquare Post? A: Yes - I just added this Q/A...
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...or embed a YouTube video:
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Jeff Windsor
Q: What is ParentSquare? A: ParentSquare, is a new communication platform that will allow Troy CCSD 30-C to unify all parent and guardian communication from the district, schools, classrooms and school activity groups under one umbrella. Click here to watch a short video. (Video en español)
Q: Is ParentSquare replacing Skyward Message Center? A: Beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, all district level communication will be directed through ParentSquare. Communication at the building level, from the building principal(s) will also come through ParentSquare whenever possible. At the classroom level, some teachers may prefer to take the 2023-2024 school year to gain confidence with ParentSquare and may use another form of class communication as they transition. Please be patient as we make this careful transition. ParentSquare will be the main means of communication by the start of the 24-25 school year. However, some messages will also come from Skyward mainly in regards to specific student information - so please also check Skyward Message Center for these notifications.
Q: Why didn't I receive a ParentSquare invite? A: ParentSquare invites will start at the beginning of July 2023. Email and text invites will be sent to the email addresses and cell phone numbers of families that we have on file in our student information system, Skyward. If you did not receive a ParentSquare invite, then it is possible we have the wrong contact information on file. Currently, Skyward is under annual maintenance through August 8. If you wish to change your contact information prior to August 8, please contact your building’s front office staff. After August 8 you will be able to update your contact information directly through Skyward Family Access in the Student Profile Tile. Since Skyward is our source of data for ParentSquare, we need changes to be made in this location whenever possible. You may also contact your child’s school to update information.
Q: Why doesn't my ParentSquare invite link work? A: Those invitation links only last for 24 hours. You do not need to wait for a new invitation! You can proceed to the ParentSquare sign in page and create your account with the same email address at which you would have received an invite.
Q: Why does my ParentSquare account have my spouse's name on it? A: It is recommended that each spouse have their own cell phone or email for emergency situations. However, if you and your spouse share an email address (or have provided the same email address for each of you in our parent contact records, only one spouse will be able to log in to ParentSquare using that email address.
Q: Do I have to use ParentSquare on my SmartPhone? A: No, if you prefer, you can navigate to https://www.parentsquare.com/signin from a computer and do all of the same ParentSquare activities.
Q: How do I find the ParentSquare app? A: To download, search for ParentSquare in the App Store and Google Play. The app is available for iOS and Android users.
Q: Will all teachers be using ParentSquare for home-to-school communication this year? A: ParentSquare will be the main source of communication for the district. However, this method of communication might not be utilized by all classrooms right away. This is a new platform, so please be patient.
Q: So is it possible to contact my child's teacher directly and privately? How does that work? A: Yes, once the feature is enabled, and teachers start to use the platform, parents and guardians can contact their child's teacher privately by using the direct messaging tool. On the homepage, click on "Messaging" in the left sidebar. From here, you can send a direct message to your child's teacher that only you and the teacher can see. Here is a link to our help page on direct messaging.
Q: Who will ParentSquare contact? A: ParentSquare will notify those contacts listed as a Primary Parent, Parent, and Guardian within Skyward. ParentSquare is an all-in-one platform that contains personally identifiable information for each student, therefore, we only engage with those designated contacts.
Q: My babysitter/grandmother/uncle wants information about District events but can’t create an account. Can I share my username/password with them? A: No. Sharing a password will allow a user to see personally identifiable information about the student. Since Parent Square is an all-on-one tool, the information an end user could see upon full integration would be attendance notifications, lunch balance information, direct messages, and report cards.
Q: I am not a direct parent or guardian but would like to be notified about school events. How can I be notified? A: The district uses many different communication platforms for non-emergency announcements. Visiting our district website at troy30c.org is a great place to see our upcoming district events.
Troy CCSD 30-C leverages social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.
Q: We are a split-family with restrictions. Will my ex see my contact information? A: No. Each contact has the functionality of creating their own private account. They will, however, see everything related to the shared student. They will NOT see contact information of the other parent.
Q: Will ParentSquare be used for classroom assignments? A: No. ParentSquare is not the main source for classroom assignments. However, teachers can utilize the platform to remind families and students on due dates if they choose. Please visit our Skyward Family Access to view student schedules and grades.
Q: Can I access communications for more than one of my students from the same account?
A: Yes. The first time that you log into the app or web portal, all of your students should automatically be listed in the upper left hand corner. If you don’t see them, please contact your school office(s).
Q: Can I change the email and/or cell phone number on my account? A: Currently, Skyward is under annual maintenance through August 8. If you wish to change your contact information prior to August 8, please contact your child's school. After August 8 you will be able to update your contact information directly through Skyward Family Access in the Student Profile Tile. Since Skyward is our source of data for ParentSquare, we need changes to be made in this location whenever possible. You may also contact your child’s school to update information.
Q: My email is correct in ParentSquare. Why am I not receiving emails? A: Please check your spam to see if any ParentSquare messages ended up there, and mark them as "Not Spam." Also add donotreply@parentsquare.com to your email contacts so your server recognizes our messages. If you still are not receiving emails, please contact support@parentsquare.com.
Q: How can I add another child to my account? How can I add another school to my account? A:Your children in your Family Access account are the ones associated with your ParentSquare account. As you enroll additional children in Skyward, they will automatically be added to your ParentSquare account. ParentSquare will always reflect the most current information received from the school’s student information system, Skyward. Please contact your school office to make sure you are connected properly in Skyward.
Q: How do I change my ParentSquare password? A: Please go to parentsquare.com and on the login page click "Forgot Password." Put in your email or phone number and you will be sent a link to reset your password.
Q: English is not my first language. How can I receive content in my native language?
A: You can customize your language settings by going to "My Account" and clicking "Change This" under language settings. From there, you can choose any language you prefer from the drop down menu and you will start to receive content in that language. Here is a help article on how to change your language settings.
Q: I am getting too many messages from ParentSquare, is it possible to receive less notifications? A: Yes, you can customize your notification settings by going to your homepage and clicking on your name in the top right corner and selecting "My Account" from the drop down menu. On your account page, you can find your notification settings in the top right corner and click "Change This" to customize your notifications. If you are receiving too many notifications, try changing to the “Digest” setting where you will only receive one condensed message in the evening. Here is a help article on changing your notification settings. Urgent notifications such as weather related eLearning days will be sent immediately upon notification rather than the digest option.
Q: Do I have to create a ParentSquare account? A: No. But what a registered user can see and have access to and what a non-registered user can see and have access to will be different. For a detailed list of registered vs non-registered please click here to view an article on registration settings.
Q: I can’t sign into ParentSquare. What is the first step? A: If you can't sign into ParentSquare with your email or phone number, please contact your school office to make sure your contact information is correct in Skyward. Currently, Skyward is under annual maintenance through August 8. If you wish to change your contact information prior to August 8, please contact your child’s school. After August 8 you will be able to update your contact information directly through Skyward Family Access in the Student Profile Tile. Since Skyward is our source of data for ParentSquare, we need changes to be made in this location whenever possible. You may also contact your child’s school to update information.
Q: I can sign into ParentSquare but need to make adjustments on my account. Where do I go to make changes? A: Check your email and phone number in ParentSquare. Click on your name in the top right and click My Account. If corrections need to be made, please log into your Skyward Family Access account and confirm your email address and phone number under the 'Student Profile' Tile for each child is correct or contact your child's school with the correct information.
Q: How will I be contacted, and can I opt out?
A: You can choose to receive messages via email, text, voice and/or the app. While you can opt-out of any of these methods of communication, the district has the discretion to override opt-outs for urgent messages and alerts. Please remember, important information from your child’s school and the district will be shared via ParentSquare, such as District/School-emergencies, weather related eLearning, and School-General information.
Q: Why am I not getting notifications? A: Check your Notification Preferences on My Account page. Are your notification preferences on? Check your spam folder for emails from donotreply@parentsquare.com. Add the domain ParentSquare.com or the email address donotreply@parentsquare.com to the safe senders list in your email client (Gmail, Yahoo, aol, etc.)
If using Gmail:Go to Settings. At the bottom of the pane, click Mail. In the left pane, select Mail > Accounts > Block or allow.
Under Blocked Senders, select the address or domain you want to unblock, and then select.